Mercedes Allen: "Transgender History: A 6 Part Series"
Mercedes Allen: "Transgender History: A 6 Part Series"
Suurpiirteinen aikajana sukupuolen varianssin historiasta (pääasiassa Euroopassa ja Pohjois-Amerikassa). (engl.)
Trans Expression in Ancient Times
The Rise of Hatred (the Middle Ages)
Into the Modern Age (1700s - 1932)
From Germany to Stonewall (1933 - 1968)
Stonewall and Its Fissures (1969-1995)
Toward the Future (1996-2007)
Trans Expression in Ancient Times
The Rise of Hatred (the Middle Ages)
Into the Modern Age (1700s - 1932)
From Germany to Stonewall (1933 - 1968)
Stonewall and Its Fissures (1969-1995)
Toward the Future (1996-2007)
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